Monday, January 25, 2016


This week has been mental.

To start, I have to pack and said goodbye to everyone.  Because they changed transfers to Tuesday, it's a lot more crunched. The Bishop was really sweet and wanted us to come over, but it didn't work.  So he but his phone on speaker and had everyone say bye to me.  His wife made me cry.  She started out by saying "Sister Peterson, do you know what I think of you?" Then proceeded to compliment me for a good five minutes.

Then I took a four hour train ride to Dortmund.  It's basically on the opposite side of the mission, and one of the top ten largest cities in Germany.  Very different from Feucht.  They have buses and subways. But my house is purple, so I'm good.

The cool thing though, is I got to spend two days with my trainer, Sister Brown before sending her home. (Transfers changed, but the tickets for leavers was already bought.  It'll be the same for the next group too). That was an entertaining adventure.

Then it was just me and Sister Bray.  She's from Singapore, American, beautiful, and crazy.  I like her.  This is her last transfer, so we're going to make it the greatest transfer ever.

Then, on Saturday, I met the Rodrigez's.  A half American, less-active family.  We meet with them every week, but have been pretty stubborn, and hadn't been to church in a really long time.  However, this Sunday they came to church because their little girl missed Primary.  Yesterday night, we get a call from them.  The wife said that they'd been talking and realized how much happier they were after going to church and want to reactivity.  They want to life Mormon standards, go to church every week, the whole nine yards and asked us to help them do it!!!  

It's moments like this that you realize how wonderful church attendance is.  It changes lives.  People can feel the difference of when they go to church and when they don't.  And it was even cooler, because the Ward had changed it so Sacrament was first, so they came to all three hours instead of the two hours they usually do.  Which was perfect because Relief Society was perfect. They talked about Elder Hales talk, "Meeting the Challenges of Today's World" and afterwards she asked us if it's bad to mix two religions.

Church is so cool.  And I'm very grateful for their little girl who missed Primary.  Little children certainly are more in tune with the Spirit.

Wow, this is a long letter.  But like I said, this week was mental.

I'm jealous of your French toast.  But my house is purple. See:

Rachel's favorite color is purple:)


I love you all so much!  Your awesome.



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