Monday, April 25, 2016


Sewing for trek was my favorite part.  Make something purple for me😉

Normally my weeks are pretty much the same thing day in and day out
and my emails home are terrible because I can't remember what
happened.  Not this week.

This week, we went to the doctor.

So, Sister Van Vleet has had an infection on her finger for a while,
but every time I asked about it, she said that it was fine and that it
didn't really hurt.  Then she made the mistake of mentioning it to
Sister Jones (one half of the senior couple).  She told her that she
had to call the mission nurse right now and get it looked at.

Of course, she doesn't call for a week.  Every time I brought it up,
she'd have some sort of excuse.  I finally get her to call, and we
went into he emergency room in a hospital on Tuesday.  For five hours.
Actually, we only waiting three and a half in the waiting room, then
one and a half in a patient room with Sister Van Vleet's hand soaking
in disinfectant the whole time.  It was actually really cute, at about
an hour we were joking that we were forgotten.  Then the nurse walked
in and told us that we weren't forgotten, it was just really busy that

Well, the doctor shows up, and in about three minutes she tells us
that she can't do anything and we need to go see a dermatologist.

We call the mission nurse, so he could set up another appointment.
Which was on Thursday.

We go in, the wait wasn't as long, and the doctor told us that he
recommended getting an operation to have it removed.  So, unexpected
operation on a Thursday afternoon.

Now, we just have toward for it to scan over.  But until then, she
can't get her hand wet.  Which puts me on dishes duty😄 (I actually
really like doing dishes.  It's calming)

We also had random rainstorms, appointments falling out, random
Romanians calling us over to talk with them. (One called out Mormons,
and the other was in his car and asked us what church we represent.),
and buses being late/never showing up and making you late to

So ya, that was my week. You need an adventurous one every now and
then to mix things up.

Love you all, and hope that your week won't be too boring😉



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