Monday, March 9, 2015


The military base is interesting.  We can't go door to door, because that's illegal, so we have to be more creative.  One thing is listening for English on the streets and buses, and then relying a ton on the ward.  We also work a lot with less active members. 

The ward here is amazing.  Everyone is so incredible.  Bishop Anderson is constantly looking for people that the missionaries can go by and never stops smiling.  He's so happy all the time, it's awesome.  The other ward members are just as cool.  I've gained a deeper appreciation for our military.  These people are so cool, and thinking about what they're doing blows my mind.  They're so humble too.  Some of the stories I've heard could come straight out of an action movie, but they don't boast about it.  They don't show off.  They see and recognize God's hand in their lives and are just amazing.  I can't wait to get to know everyone better.

I love you all!


P.S.  I'd gloat about not having daylight savings, but we do that next week.  America has way too much influence sometimes.  But they have peanut butter and pop tarts, so it's okay.

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